Saturday, January 24, 2009

"Hats Were Made for Your Head"

Today we cleaned out the spare room to get it ready for Taylor. We have decided to move Taylor in there and give her a "big girl" room and let Katelyn have her old room when she is born. You might be wondering why we decided to uproot Taylor instead of just getting the spare room ready for Katelyn. Well, the spare room is a bigger room and we would like to put some of Taylor's toys in her room. We thought it better for her to have the bigger room. We bought her bedding online. It is called Tiger Lily by Kidsline. Here is a picture of it.

It is a pretty small picture from the internet, so if you want to see a larger picture, just click here.

While we were cleaning out the spare room we pulled out some old hat boxes with some hats in them that I used to wear in high school. They are still in really good shape, so I am going to try and consign them. Taylor found them and decided to put one on. Up until now, as I have said of the bows, she has not liked ANYTHING on her head, so this came as a shock, but she picked up one of the hats and put it on her head. She then started walking around in it being prissy. It was so cute! We captured a few pictures to share with you.


Alicia said...

Have you thought about getting toddler bedding instead since she'll be ready for a big girl bed soon?

Carrie Poe said...

Taylor won't be ready for a regular bed for some time. We are keeping her in the crib. She hasn't started trying to climb out yet, so we are going to keep her in the crib for as long as she will stay in there. When she is ready we will convert it to a toddler bed, but it will still take the crib bedding. After that we will remove the railing and let her use it as a day bed. So, she will still be using the same mattress and bedding. She won't go to regular bedding until we convert it into a full bed, which will probably be a ways down the road.

Alicia said...

At least you can use the same bedding. I was afraid that you would have to buy all new bedding when you convert the crib to a toddler bed. It's a pretty pattern.

Tina said...

I was wondering the same thing as Alicia. So I guess you are buying a new crib for the baby?
Taylor's new bedding is cute and it looks like it is for an older girl instead of only for a baby.