Thursday, January 1, 2009

Christmas 2008

Christmas was a lot of fun this year. Now that Taylor is almost two she is more aware of what is going on around her and gets enjoyment out of the season. She didn't bother the ornaments on the tree too much, but there were a few that were her favorites. One particular ornament that she was fond of was a little clay bell. She liked to ring it. There was another ceramic bell that she tried to ring as well, but I kept trying to get her away from that one since it was fragile.

Daniel made up a game with Taylor where he hid the Christmas moose in the tree and she had to find it and pull it out.

These are some pictures we took of Taylor being cute in hopes of getting a good Christmas card picture. We ended up using another picture of the whole family.

Taylor blowing kisses.

On Dec. 16 we had the Christmas program for the Morning School at church. I teach music there, so even though Taylor is not technically old enough to be enrolled in a class yet, she got to sing since she comes with me for music. She didn't really sing, but she stood in place the entire time and did better on the motions than some of the other children. Daniel was especially amazed at how well she did. He was expecting her to be all over the stage.

Here are some pictures that we took after the program was over - again, in hopes to get a Christmas card photo.

Finally, the Christmas card photo.

I have more to share of our Christmas festivities, but there is too much to write in one post. There will be more to come.

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