Monday, August 17, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

Today is our 7th Anniversary. As I think back over the years, I can't believe that we have been married that long. How much different our life is together now from where we first started. We began our lives together on August 17, 2002. Our first home was in Morristown, TN in Daniel's childhood home. It was a fixer-upper and he did a lot of work on it to get it ready for me to move in. In June of 2005 Daniel took a position with his current employer in Americus, GA and a little over a year later we purchased the home that we live in now. I was pregnant with Taylor at the time. Through the whole process of moving here and finding a home, God's timing was always perfect even though it seemed slow at times. We had plenty of time to move in and get settled so we could fix up the nursery before Taylor arrived.

Our lives changed drastically with a new baby. We were used to all the freedom that we had without kids. We were not prepared for all the changes that were about to take place. There is no way to prepare yourself for that. But we adjusted and now we cannot imagine our lives without Taylor. In fact, I can't really remember what we did before children. What was there to do? Two years later Katelyn came along. Who knew that your heart could grow so much?

With each passing year I grow more and more in love with Daniel. He treats me with such love and respect. He is such a good father to our two girls. I see the way he plays with Taylor and makes her feel like she is the only little girl in the world worth getting his attention. I know that He will be the example to our children of what a Christian man is to be and what they will one day need to look for in a husband. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family and such a loving husband. I hope to have many many more years of marriage as wonderful as the past seven years have been. Happy Anniversary, Daniel. I love you with all of my heart!

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1 comment:

Tina said...

Happy Anniversary!! I hope you have a good day together or whenever you celebrate.