We were not in the hospital for very long - just over 24 hours - so we did not get that many visitors in the hospital. Also, the hospital where I delivered Katelyn was not in the same town where we live. After the tornado hit in March 2007 there were a lot of changes in Americus. Our hospital here was completely destroyed. Two of the doctors in the group that I used for Taylor left town - not because of the tornado but for other reasons - and the new doctors were not taking any new patients by the time I became pregnant with Katelyn. I was forced to go to another town because there were no available doctors in Ameriucs. I chose a group in Albany that was just wonderful. I plan to stay with them because I liked them so much. The office was so nice and updated. They made my former doctor's office seem antiquated and archaic. So, all this to say that I did not receive many visitors.
Bud and RuthAnn brought Taylor down to the hospital to see Katelyn that afternoon after I delivered her. When they walked in the room Taylor seemed a little confused and worried that I was in the bed. I think she thought that something was wrong with me. I did look pretty rough. I had no makeup on and I was pretty swollen. I was nursing at the time, so they all left to get some dinner in the cafeteria. When they got back Taylor got up on the bed with me and Katelyn and wanted to hold her immediately. Her first words to her little sister were, "What's up Kate-Kate?" That is her nickname for Katelyn. Ever since then she has loved holding her baby sister and doesn't want to put her down. It is really sweet.
After we got home from the hospital my parents came down for a visit. My mom stayed a couple of weeks to help with the cooking and cleaning while I got some much needed recovery time. It was so nice to have her here. It was a good distraction for Taylor to keep her for being so jealous of Katelyn in those first days at home.
Daddy did not stay the entire two weeks that Mama was here. He went back to Chattanooga and then down to Huntsville to get my grandfather and bring him down here. I was glad that he was able to come and spend some time with the girls. It was good for him too since my grandmother passed away so recently.
There are more pictures to come, but these are just the first few visitors that Katelyn had in the first couple of weeks of her life.
1 comment:
Those are great pictures! Katelyn looks so cute! I hope you are doing ok since your company has gone.
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