Daniel just couldn't resist the urge to doctor Taylor's picture.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Truth & Treat
Taylor went as a UT cheerleader. We had varying comments on her costume. Some thought we were torturing her and others really liked it. Regardless, everyone thought she was the cutest UT cheerleader ever.
These are pictures of the Lost Sheep game. It's hard to tell, but they had sheep made out of cut out paper sheep and toilet paper rolls. There was a wire or something over the top of them and you had to use the staff to lift up the sheep. There was one sheep that was away from the others and the children were supposed to find the lost sheep and return it to the others with the staff.
These are pictures of Gleaning in the Fields taken from Ruth. The kids had to search through the straw for peanuts. We just threw them back since Taylor can't eat peanuts yet, but she did get some candy to take home and share with Mommy & Daddy.
The choir room was transformed into the belly of the whale. Once inside, they sprayed you with water and you had to climb up an inflatable slide and slide down the other side to get out of the belly of the whale.I tried to get Taylor to go in with me, but she started crying whenever I would nudge her, so I just gave up. Maybe she will do it next year.
Taylor mostly enjoyed playing with the other children. She likes getting attention from older kids. Here she is with my friend Anna's little girl Elizabeth.
Do I look like a monk or Yoda? Maybe this will be part of my Halloween costume next year. The long face is from just waking from a nap and not being sure about what is going on.
Trying to walk in Mommy's t-shirt.
Hmm, I'm not so sure about all of this.
Fingerpainting 101: Dip finger in paint and smear around page.
Gross! Get this sticky stuff off of my hands!
I wonder if this is edible?
Hooray! All clean! Now, get me down from here!